The Situation
This organization has been on a rapid 5-year growth mode and their team could not manage the tactical execution of the facilities program. The Facilities program was driving up costs including a significant amount of overtime for after-hours work; the team did not have access to program insights to determine what could change.
Work order creation was taking up significant amounts of time and completion of the service was not always a seamless process with their existing partner. The partner was not effectively triaging the situation and customer satisfaction was suffering as a result. The corporate team was wasting a lot of time following up.
They began to look for a new partner to help drive down program costs and who offered robust technology and analytics. With the right partner, they planned to redeploy some of their team members and since they would no longer need to spend time on day-to-day execution.
The NEST Solution
The Integrated Facilities Management program through NEST was the right fit for them. With IFM, they have one partner for technology, financial support, and operational execution – all while ensuring 100% provider compliance.
The NEST 24/7/365 Command Center allows the corporate team to focus on the growth strategy while tactical operations are handled. Customer satisfaction was turned around with the NEST Independent Provider Network handling their needs. The NEST Operations Team ensures the providers are trained on the client’s brand and program specifications.
The client has on-demand access to program insights, so at any given moment they have real-time updates on their stores’ needs, program spend, and emergency situations. The NEST Business Analysts help ensure the program is bringing true cost savings for them.
The Results
The NEST IFM program drove significant cost savings for this organization, which does not include additional cost reduction. They were able to redeploy team members and capture the salary as savings, while also driving down over-time with existing staff since they no longer needed to complete work orders and service follow-ups. Moving away from the hourly/trip charge model to the total cost model combined with the team changes the program captured a 9.5% savings on total spend.
And, when the stores allowed customers to use their bathrooms it led to a multitude of issues. With NEST taking over their plumbing needs, they were able to capture a 13% savings and ensure the customer shopping experience was still a pleasant one.