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Build the Ultimate Team to Reduce Facility Maintenance Costs


February 20, 2017     5 minute read

By: Jason Bishop

Build the Ultimate Team

To build the ultimate facilities maintenance management team, chances are you don’t need better people. Your people just need better tools to help manage your existing assets. Today, companies most commonly track their assets and work orders in one of three ways:

  • Paper-based methods
  • Spreadsheets
  • Complex software

The problem is that these systems aren’t always organized or easily accessible and often create more work rather than alleviating it (e.g., entering and consolidating data, creating reports). This leaves your management team with less time to strategize. The maintenance management system you use should enable your facility management to do more by providing consolidated reports, optimizing your spending, and empowering your team to make greater strategic decisions.

The best option for building a better team is to implement a CMMS (Computerized Maintenance Management System) that includes professional services, such as industry consultants, data analysts, and 24/7 support. These services will provide your management team with the help they need to better strategize and reach annual goals. If you are using or have used a CMMS without getting results, it may not have the in-depth reporting, consulting, or management features you really need.

Let’s take a look at how using a comprehensive CMMS solution can reduce your overhead costs and help you create the ultimate facilities maintenance management team.

How Implementing a CMMS Can Reduce Maintenance Spending

Many organizations run into difficulties when balancing scarce resources against tight maintenance budgets—if this sounds familiar, you’re not alone. If you have persisting budget issues, you need to consider reevaluating your method of asset and work order management.

An ideal facilities maintenance management system should provide your business with:

  • A platform for managing assets and work orders
  • Quick and easy data entry and work order requests
  • Consolidated asset and work order management reports of all your locations
  • A vetted list of certified service providers
  • Vendor risk mitigation
  • Strategic industry specific consulting to help drive your team’s decision making
  • 24/7 support to answer any software or maintenance management related questions

A CMMS that includes consulting and support can help manage your work orders and assets by providing reports on KPIs, analyzing where you could be saving, providing strategic consulting, and helping your team rollout big maintenance plans. This enables your management team to focus on implementing your maintenance strategies rather than working on reports and planning. When you have your team equipped with the right tools, you can then build the ultimate facilities management team.

Build the Ultimate Facilities Maintenance Management Team

NEST is the ultimate CMMS solution when it comes to enhancing your management team’s capabilities. The NEST solution allows companies to organize and optimize all maintenance operations by complimenting your management team with the following professional services:

Software Training – NEST provides software support and training so your staff can optimize how they use our facilities management software, NEST Facilitate. We also provide webinars so you can ask questions and get live demonstrations.

ISP Relations (Compliance) Team – Our designated compliance team vets independent service providers before signing them on to the NEST ISP Network. NEST has strict certification and insurance requirements that vendors must adhere to, which enables us to mitigate any risks to our clients. The ISP Network is a list of high-quality certified service providers that are ready to serve you at a moment’s notice. It makes maintenance requests easy especially when you need emergency maintenance services. You can simply call NEST and we’ll dispatch and handle the service you need. NEST’s ISP Network is backed by our ISP Compliance Team, whose job it is to make sure service providers have what they need to get their job done well.

24/7/365 Command Center Support – Get all day, year-round support from service reps and account managers that are trained to know your industry and brand. The command center is on call to help your maintenance management team place work orders, dispatch service providers, and implement maintenance programs. The support team will also follow up with both you and the service providers to guarantee the job has been done according to expectations.

Subject Matter Experts – SME’s are the strategic consulting side of our client support team. We have experts in construction management, HVAC, facilities exteriors, and much more. Our experts understand what businesses in your industry need and can help pick the necessary maintenance programs for you.

Client Service Team and Data Analysts – Designated service teams will consolidate and provide weekly, quarterly, or annual reports, so you can see the big picture of your facilities maintenance progress. You can choose how frequently you receive reports based on what you need to make informed decisions.

Quality Assurance Project Management Team – For big rollouts, our quality assurance team will go onsite, take photos, make sure ISPs are providing quality services, check on facility conditions, and provide before and after reports so you can see the progress.

With NEST, you can build the ultimate facilities maintenance team to create better cost reduction strategies. Rather than focusing your own maintenance management efforts on tracking data, creating reports, and managing service providers, NEST will handle all the legwork for you.

Want more information on how NEST can help you build the ultimate facilities maintenance management team? Contact us to get a consultation on your brand’s maintenance management strategy!

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