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Integrated Facilities Management Technology in Action


May 26, 2021     2 minute read

Drones. The Internet of Things. Machine learning. Blockchain. Artificial Intelligence. These buzzwords represent the cutting edge of technology as we know it, and they are just beginning to infiltrate the facilities management (FM) space. While AI, VR, IoT and other acronyms of this ilk mark the promise of exciting things to come, many of these technologies are still in their infancy and have a long way to go before they can bring true value to an organization’s facilities program.Although this type of fledgling, future-focused tech still has a long way to go, the time-tested facilities software available today only continues to get more intuitive, user-friendly and easier to implement. Especially as it relates to one powerful asset – data.

The future success of dealing with your FM expenses will be based on the ability to understand and leverage data. Here are just a few of the ways this software can shift your FM program from a siloed operation to an integrated, data-driven branch of your business:

Data Collection Goes Mobile

Facilities managers are always on the go. Therefore, they need access to data when they’re not at their desks. Whether they’re out on the sales floor, or commuting from one business location to another, project details should never be more than a few clicks or taps away.

Mobile apps and browser-based systems have replaced paper records, allowing facilities professionals and business leaders alike to review asset and project information, work order status, on-site photos and more from their phones and tablets. Such technologies also streamline communication by reducing the amount of time these professionals spend on the phone relaying project updates or traveling to various locations to check on repairs.

Dashboard Reporting Increases Program Transparency

Integrated facilities management (IFM) software is equipped with advanced reporting features that take the guesswork out of making operational decisions. Many IFM software options allow you to customize your dashboards and reports, giving you ultimate control over which data sets you use and when. With different views for different user types, everyone from the COO to your service provider has access to the real-time data they need.

Service Verification Ensures Satisfaction

Successful facilities management calls for effective alignment between FM partners, on-site service providers, and the organizations they serve. Maintaining that alignment becomes increasingly difficult the more sites you manage, though.

Leveraging service verification tools through an IFM partner can serve as a vital bridge between all parties involved to ensure work is being done properly. For some service verification tools, such as the NEsT Promoter Score as part of NEST’s Integrated Facilities Management solution, this comes in the form of aggregated, real-time reviews of on-site service providers, allowing for full transparency into how the quality of work is being received so that you can maintain satisfaction and rectify issues before they escalate.

And once facilities managers and providers in the field have comprehensive views into how services are being performed, setting and tracking appropriate KPIs becomes that much easier.

Predictive Analytics Help Future-Proof Your FM Program

Analytics takes data usage a step further by enabling users to forecast the future based on historical trends and patterns. Depending on your organization’s priorities, you can use predictive analytics to plan your next preventive maintenance schedule, FM budget, or both. Forecasting and projecting IFM expenses with the aid of IFM software empowers organizations to predict outcomes with increasing accuracy.

Contact us to learn more about how your organization can reach its full potential with IFM.

Advance Your FM Program to the Next Level

This free ebook outlines the 5 most important pieces to unlocking the full potential of an integrated facilities management program.