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Arts & Crafts Retailer


October 18, 2019     1 minute read

The Situation

This client had an end of year deadline to remodel bathrooms in 153 stores located in California and the Northeastern area of the United States. An extensive remodel was required on 25% of the stores and a minor refresh was required on the remaining 75%. Each store was approximately 20,000 sq. ft. in size with the majority of stores having 2 bathrooms in each location. The scope had to be defined at each location due to varying square footage in each.

The NEST Solution

The NEST Construction and Projects team visited each store location with our service providers and general contractors. Together, they developed the scope of work with photos and surveys from each location.  Materials and fixtures were ordered through the client and outside vendors.

The NEST teams worked 24/7 to ensure the project was completed before the client’s end of year deadline, with on-site Project Managers providing quality assurance. Daily reports and live completion survey updates were provided and available through NEST Facilitate.

The Results

All 153 locations were completed ahead of schedule and on budget. The client was provided detailed reporting to track expenses and leverage for future budgeting needs to share with the Executive Management Team.  The NEST project survey and scope are now part of their “Playbook” to be used for future bathroom remodels.

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